Saturday, November 25, 2017

A Balrog of Morgoth

 'The Dwarves tell no tale; but even as mithril was the foundation of their wealth, so also it was their destruction: they delved too greedily and too deep, and disturbed that from which they fled, Durin's Bane.' (Gandalf)

Dark Alliance Dwarves set 2.

Dark Alliance Fire Demon

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Take No Chances

A quick blow to the head to make sure.

Orc from Dark Alliance. Knight from Valdemar.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Bruce

This is King Robert the Bruce, during the Scottish Wars of Independence - specifically the Battle of Bannockburn of 1314.

Figures are from the 'Scotland Forever' set by Valdemar Miniatures.

Background image is not Scotland, as residents of Stirling and Falkirk will attest, but rather Sebastiao Salgado's image of Alaska.